Avast Secure Browser is a secure browser that comes with additional security and privacy features. Its built-in anti phishing and anti-tracking features ensure that browsing online is safe. Bank Mode safeguards you when you are shopping or performing online banking. It can even hide your keyboard to protect your information from keylogging malware and listening in. It is also compatible with Avast Free Antivirus.
When you first start Avast Secure Browser, you may notice that it looks similar to Chrome. The browser is built on Chromium. Its homepage has an search bar and website shortcuts that you are able to edit and add to however you want. The browser has an adblock feature which blocks unwanted ads on websites by using the uBlock plug-in. You can choose from three different ad blocker settings which are Essential, Balanced and Strict. The Strict setting provides the greatest protection, but it can occasionally cause websites to not load correctly. You can also add websites to the exclusion list if would like to see ads displayed on them or if an adblocker plugin causes problems with rendering the website.
Avast Secure Browser Pro also comes with a selection of additional extensions you can install. This is an excellent way to personalize the browser and improve its functionality. The browser can also connect bookmarks and your history across click reference platforms including mobile devices.